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  • Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare Health Science
  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Prevention and Proximity Care for Inland Areas: a conference on the Proximity Care project developed by the Sant'Anna School and supported by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca for the province's inland areas will be held in Lucca on Friday, Oct.

The agenda of the proceedings hosted in St. Francis Church, from 9:30 a.m. Morning session with numerous contributions and, in the afternoon, full immersion in the concrete experimentation of the many lines of activity


Publication date: 24.10.2023
Terza missione Health Science
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Where the health of the future begins: focuses on an innovative way of conceiving care, prevention and health care itself the conference on Friday, Oct. 27 in the Church of San Francesco in Lucca, starting at 9:30 a.m. The day-long in-depth discussion, entitled "Proximity Care: a challenge of environmental, social and economic sustainability," was created as part of Proximity Care, the project funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca and implemented by the Sant'Anna Schhol of Pisa, to propose and test a new model of sociomedical approach for the province's inland areas, particularly the Serchio Valley and Upper Versilia.

After an introduction by CRL Foundation President Marcello Bertocchini, the project is illustrated by Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Sant'Anna School, and explored in a panel discussion entitled "Stare bene qui" coordinated by Sant'Anna School Constitutional Law Researcher Luca Gori and composed of ANCI Toscana President Matteo Biffoni; CARD (Confederazione Associazioni Regionali di Distretto) President Gennaro Volpe; FIASO (Federazione Italiana Aziende Sanitarie e Ospedaliere) President Giovanni Migliore; Forum Terzo Settore Toscana Spokesperson Gianluca Mengozzi; SPI- CGIL Tuscany Regional Secretary Alessio Gramolati. The conclusions are entrusted to Tuscan Regional Health Councillor Simone Bezzini.

In the afternoon, from 2:30 p.m., full immersion in the concrete experimentation of the many project lines of Proximity Care, which just in these days, has seen the successful start of the experience of the traveling camper for cancer screenings in the Serchio Valley.

The conference constitutes first stocktaking, but above all an opportunity for discussion for the entire community, not only scientific but above all civil, which has at this moment a great opportunity to contribute to a paradigm shift for health and care in the geographically most penalized areas, not only of the province of Lucca, but of the whole country.

It is no coincidence, in fact, that Proximity care is already becoming a formula capable of capturing the attentions of other areas with the same service and depopulation problems. After all, this was precisely the intent of the project: to find concrete solutions for the area and, at the same time, to create a replicable and functional model. The road is traced, still to be traveled and full of challenges, but undertaken with the best of premises.